My legal department is telling me to let you know that you shouldn't try this one at home! I don't know why you would, but hey this guy thought it was a good idea to put on an electric shock dog collar and see what it feels like... Looks quite painful!
For more hilarious videos check out Nancy Grace Goes Crazy or More Cowbell!
The Dog Collar Test
Categories Dogs, Funny, Ouch, Shocking, Stupid People
Top Ten George W. Bush Moments
This video is courtesy of Late Night With David Letterman, here is the Top Ten George W. Bush moments from his LONG eight year Presidency. He will be missed by the comedians, but no one else...
For more funny videos check out Does The Guy Deserve A Red Card or The Fruitcake Lady!
Categories David Letterman, Funny, George W. Bush, Politics, Top Ten
The Greatest Surfer In The World!
It took years of practice every single day to learn this unbelievable surfing trick. Lucky for you they show it again in ultra slow motion so you can really appreciate it...
For more funny videos check out Bank Robber Discrimination or The Funniest DUI Stop Ever!
U Can't Wrap This!
The MC Hammer classic from the 90's with a Christmas touch... I gotta say the midgets really make the video!
For more funny videos check out These TV & Game Show Bloopers or These Hilarious Christmas Videos!
Mr. Beans Christmas Disaster
I was never the biggest fan of Rowan Atkinson, but this little skit is pretty funny and just in time for Christmas. Any fan of Mr. Bean will certainly appreciate this video...
For more funny video check out Beware Of The Doghouse or Up On The Roof Top!
Categories Christmas, Funny, Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson, Turkey
Bank Robber Discrimination
Who would have though that people can be so mean to a guy wearing a stocking over his head! Affermitave action doesn't seem to be working quite right in this case. I guess that is what you get for trying to buy things dressed as a bank robber...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Stephen Colbert On The Inside Edition Incident or Holiday Tips With Jeff Dunham!
Star Wars According To A 3 Year Old
Another Youtube classic this clip has almost 10 million views already! Anyone who has seen the Star Wars Episode IV can appreciate this one...
For more funny videos check out Merry Christmas For The World's Funniest Videos or Triumph The Comic Insult Dog At The Star Wars Convention!
TV & Game Show Bloopers
These are some classic bloopers from all around the world! This clip is quite long, but it is worth it there really are some funny moments from through the years... My favorite has to be the Newlywed ones, just hilarious! How bout you?
For more of the funniest videos on the internet check out The Funniest Who's Line Skit or Robin Williams On Barack Obama!
Categories Bloopers, Game Show, Hilarious, Newlywed Game, Tv
There Is Something Seriously Wrong With This Dog
I don't know what the cameraman has in this next clip but it has to be pretty darn good. This dog has some major issues and wants it bad, REAL bad...
For more of The Funniest Videos In The World check out The Cutest Pug Video Ever or Beware Of The Doghouse!
A Really Bad Beer Run
I think next time they will think twice before sending Little Jimmy on the beer run! Things just didn't work out too well for him...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Facebook In Real Life or Jim Gaffigan On The Holidays!
The Funniest DUI Stop Ever!
While I was watching this I was thinking, I wonder just how quick could I recite the alphabet backwards while sober let alone after having a few drinks! This guy that gets pulled over for DUI is good... REAL good...
The Automatic Bicycle
This was crazy, the BMX race was pretty close until... The poor guy!
For more of the funniest video on the internet check out Why Switching Bodies Isn't A Good Idea or These Hilarious Sexy Pranks!
The Cutest Pug Video Ever
You have to admit the Pug is one of the cutest dog in the world! This is the old watch the dog chase the laser trick...
For animals more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Go Shorty or Cat Vs. Toothbrush!
Triumph The Comic Insult Dog At Star Wars
I don't know about you but if I was ever at one of these conventions and saw Triumph heading my way I would run...
With Triumph the Comic Insult Dog sometimes once just isn't enough so here he is again this time at the Michael Jackson trial! I am surprised that these people had the guts to put their faces on TV...
For more Triumph check out Triumph Meets David Blaine or watch Prop 8 The Musical!
Robin Williams On Barack Obama
Never have politics been quite so funny as when Mr. Robin Williams explains them... Then again he has a lot of good material to work with, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, Gov. Arnold... I think the comedians are going to be the only ones who miss President Bush!
For more funny videos check out The Batman Bomb or Sarah Palin Is A Dude!
Categories Barack Obama, Funny, George W. Bush, Robin Williams, Sarah Palin
Why Switching Bodies Is No Good
I am sure you have all seen a movie where two people switch bodies, well in the real world that might not be such a good idea. Even more so if you are in the corporate environment...
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out The Bush Exit Interview or Up On A Roof Top!
Categories Funny, Office Humor, switching bodies, Viral Video
When Good Bananas Go Bad
I am sure we can all relate... Well maybe not, but it is still pretty funny!
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out There Can Only Be One or Mr. T's Snicker Bar!
Categories Banana, College Humor, Funny, Pranks
Nancy Grace Goes Crazy On Elizabeth
This is perfect... There is no one more that I hate on CNN then Nancy Grace, what a dumb you know what. All she does is talk about celebrities and other nonsense news, she gets what she deserves. Way to go Elizabeth and I am sorry you lost your job : )
For more funny videos check out The Very Funny Jim Breuer or Will Ferrell And Pearl!
Categories Funny, Nancy Grace, News, Paris Hilton
Beware Of The Doghouse
With Christmas approaching like a run away freigh train probably a lot of you still haven't done your Christmas shopping just yet. Well if you are a guy you should watch this video before hitting the stores or you will find yourself in the doghouse...
For more holiday madness check out this post or if you are already sit of the holidays watch Will Smith And This German Dude!
Categories Beware The Doghouse, Christmas, Commericals, Funny, JCPenny, men, women
The George W. Bush Exit Interviews
First let me just say thank god George W. Bush is going to be out of the White House is just a couple weeks! Yes there is a god!!! Watch as John Stewart and the Daily Show gives you all of the best presidential moments from the Charles Gibson interview...
For more funny videos check out The Effect Of Beer On Men or Samuel L. Jackson In The Titanic!
Categories Charles Gibson, Daily Show, George W. Bush, Interview, John Stewart
Proposition 8 The Musical
The star studded cast including Jack Black as Jesus Christ, Doogie Howser (I don't know his real name) and John C. Reilly come together to bring us this very funny musical entitled, Prop 8 - The Musical...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out The Internet Party or Work In Progress Bloopers!
Categories Funny, Gays, Jack Black, John C. Reilly, Musical, Prop 8
The Very Funny Jim Breuer
These three are all new clips from the comedian Jim Breuer. First up is a little piece of his stand-up act, this one is simply entitled Kids...
Next up is a cartoon bit from Jim Breuer, when I first saw it I thought it was talking about the Jefferson Avenue in Detroit, but apparently not, either way pretty funny!
And finally, my personal favorite, this one is titled Kelsey's Cafe...
For more funny videos from Jim Breuer check out this post or Catcher Gets A Wake Up Call!
Categories Jim Breuer, Kelsey Cafe, kids, Stand-up
The Batman Bomb
Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb... so true are these words of wisdom from Batman...
Since were celebrating Batman here at the World's Funniest here is a Youtube classic with over 7 million views... Simply entitled Batman on Drugs.
For more funny videos check out Jeff Dunham Holiday Tips or The Laughter Chain!
Categories Batman, classic, Funny, Robin, Television
The Effect Of Beer On Men
I am sure most of you have heard the term "Beer Goggles" before, well here they are in action in a funny commercial from Denmark!
If you liked that beer commercial you will love these ones...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out The Sexy Photograph Prank or What People Do For Hannah Montana Tickets!
What Do You Think Does This Guy Deserve A Red Card?
I won't ruin it for you, let's just say that must have left a mark!
Too bad they didn't show the refs call right before that, I would have liked to have seen if it was a foul or not. For more funny videos check out The Funny Cat Faceplant or Marky Mark Talks To Animals!
Go Shorty!
This little lizard has got some mad moves! Not a big fan of 50 Cent, but it really works perfect...
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out The Chicken Police or The Bourne Identity With Waldo!
Holiday Tips With Jeff Dunham
Just in time for the holiday season Jeff Dunham and his cast of characters including Walter, Peanut, Achmed the Dead Terrorist and of course Bubba J. the beer drinking redneck give us some very useful holiday tips! First up is some tips for cooking...
Next is some tips for all of you out there celebrating Hanukkah...
Not sure if this one qualifies as a tip but...
Finally, what better way to get into the Christmas spirit than enjoying this touching Christmas classic by Bubba J. "Road Kill Christmas"...
For more funny video from Jeff Dunham check out This Post or for something a bit different watch Netflix Movies Get Their Revenge!
Categories Achmed the Dead Terrorist, Bubba J, Christmas, Jeff Dunham, Peanut, Walter
The Ultimate Revenge On The Telemarketer
I gotta say this guy gets what he deserves. I relate telemarketing to spamming on the Internet and it should not be tolerate. I bet this guy will be considering a career change after calling this guy...
For more of the Funniest Videos In The World check out Catcher Gets A Wakeup Call or The Best Of Oprah And Dr. Phil On Madd TV!
Categories Funny, Prank, Radioshow, Telemarketers
Funny Cat Faceplant
Sticking with the animal theme here at the World's Funniest Videos, this next one is all about one cat with a slight jumping deficiency. Don't worry if you miss it the first time they show it again in super slow mo...
O man looking at the replay was painful, it is good to see that the cat is fine after taking a shot like that! For more funny videos watch The World's Funniest Animals or The Best Unnecessary Censorship!
The Chicken Police
I never really thought that chickens could be keepers of the peace until I saw this video. Watch as they break up this vicious fight!
For more funny check out Andy Kaufman Vs. Jerry Lawler or The Internet Party!
The Kevin Bacon Movie Club
Sure Kevin Bacon is a great actor, but I don't think I want to sign up for his Kevin Bacon Movie Club after watching this clip...
Want more of the funniest videos in the world? Feast your eyes on The Sumo Car Wash or The World's Biggest Threat!
Categories Celebrities, Funny, Kevin Bacon, Movie
Catcher Gets A Wake Up Call
This next video is one of the funniest thing I have ever seen in Baseball. Watch as the batter calls for time out...
For more funny videos check out So Many Cats, So Little Time or The Best Of Stephen Colbert!
Netflix Movies Get Their Revenge
Anyone who has ever had a Netflix account can relate to this one. Watch as all those movies you ignored in your queue come back to haunt you...
Want more? Check out Girls Behaving Like Men or Bill Cosby - Himself!
Funny Who's Line Skit
This is from the show Who's Line Is It Anyways... From the game scenes from a hat. This one is entitled "Ways you can describe a motorcycle, but not your girlfriend." As I am sure you can imagine it gets pretty funny!
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Kevin James Vs. Steven Wright or Dave Chappelle And Wayne Brady!
Unnecessary Censorship Election 2008 Edition
As you might already know, here at The World's Funniest Videos we are big fans of Unnecessary Censorship from the Jimmy Kimmel Live show so when we saw this next clip we just couldn't help but post it. This time the politicians are the ones caught in the act, who'd a thunk it... I think the Obama one has to be my favorite!
For more funny videos check out Bill Gates And Jerry Seinfeld Teaming Up or The Amazing Dancing Bird!
Categories 2008, Election, Funny, Jimmy Kimmel, Politics, Unnecessary Censorship
The Matrix Running On WIndows XP
This one is for the 90% of people out there who have seen the movie the Matrix and hate Windows... What 90% too high you think? Check out this clip from College Humor and find out what would have happened if The Matrix Ran On Windows...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out These Hilarious Sexy Pranks or The Best Of George Carlin!
Categories College Humor, Funny, Matrix, Movie, Parody
Elevator Psychology
In this classic black and white funny video you will find out just how easy is it to manipulate the action of people of a group. It really is that easy to turn someone into a conformist...
For more funny videos check out If The Other Party Wins or The Star Wars Auditions With Christopher Walken!
Categories Black and white, classic, elevator, Funny, peer pressure
The Bourne Identity With Waldo
I myself have only seen one of the Bourne series of movies, but I can still appreciate this video. It's a parody of The Bourne Identity only with Where's Waldo instead of Jason Bourne... Funny stuff!
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out The Best Of Unnecessary Censorship or The Mr. T Snicker Commercial!
Categories Bourne Identity, Funny, Movie, Parody, Where's Waldo
The World's Biggest Threat... Giraffes!
Just when you thought it was safe to venture outside again here is proof that it's still a pretty scary world out there... Courtesy of Saturday Night Live which has been on a roll ever since Sarah Palin entered the race.
Want more? Check out The Coffee Switch or These Clever Pranks!
This Is Why I Hate The Press
They are always ruining stuff... Take a look at this attempt at a world record that gets destroyed by a careless reporter. I would never let them anywhere near it till AFTER it was officially listed a world record!
Deep down though I bet most of the people in the press are good hard working people, what do you think? Watch out there is a bit of profanity in this one...
For more funny videos check out The Internet Party or More Outrageous TV Moments!
If The Other Party Wins
On this Election Eve I think it is appropriate that we feature yet another political video. This one shows what would happen if Obama wins through the eyes of a Republican and if McCain wins through the eyes of a Democrat. Don't forget to VOTE!!!
For more Political madness check out Will Ferrell Endorsing McCain or The McCain Obama Dance Off!
Categories 2008, Barack Obama, Election, Funny, John McCain, Politics
The Marijuana Logues From Bill Maher
This little clip is from the HBO show Real Time With Bill Maher. Any smoker or ex-smoker can appreciate this one. By the way, if you are living in Michigan don't forget to vote yes on Proposal One to legalize medical marijuana. Watch out this video does have a bit of profanity...
Here is another clip from Bill Maher, this one is from one of his stand-up acts. Pretty good act showing the hyporcracy of our "War on Drugs"...
For more funny videos check out Ask Will Ferrell Anything or Chevy Chase Vs. Richard Pryor!
Categories Bill Maher, Drugs, Funny, Medical Marijuana, pot
Happy Halloween From World's Funniest
There is nothing quite like watching a grown man scream out in terror...
And then there is the guy that hides on the porch trying to scare poor treat or treaters... Well this is for all you kids who have been tricked!
For more Halloween fun check out Insane Costumes or for more Halloween videos click here!
The Internet Party
Featuring your favorites including Youtube, Myspace, Facebook, Wixipedia, Mapquest, Google and many more... Now you can finally know that age old question of what would happen at an Internet party...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out The Best Of Terry Tate or The Very Funny Jim Breuer!
Will Ferrell As Bush Endorses McCain
Just in case you missed it from last weeks SNL, here is the now famous clip of Will Ferrell as George W. Bush endorsing John McCain for president of the United States. Sorry about all the political stuff lately, but it will all be over soon...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Triumph The Comic Insult Dog At The Debates or The Chocolate Bar!
Categories George W. Bush, John McCain, SNL, Will Ferrell
The McCain Obama Dance Off!
In case you still haven't decided who to vote for this might help. Watch as John McCain and Barack Obama square off in this deadly competition of dance off...
If you liked that you will love The Greatest Dance Offs Of All Time or check out Cat Vs. Toothbrush!
Categories 2008, Barack Obama, Dance-Off, Election, Funny, John McCain
Summer Fun Is Over
Remember when you were a kid and all you wanted in the summertime was to have a pool? Well this family got their wish, but it didn't quite turn out like they planned...
For more funny videos check out The Ease Of The February 2009 Conversion or Chris Farley And Patrick Swayze At Chip N Dales!
The Best Of Terry Tate
First up is the newest in the Terry Tate pain series... I don't know about you but I don't think I need Terry Tate to convince me to vote!
More political action from Terry Tate... This time Sarah Palin is the guilty party... Who the hell can't name a newspaper they read anyways?
This next one is probably the most famous of the Terry Tate collection. This is from the Superbowl commercial from 2003 I believe. Having worked in an office for many years I gotta say there have been more than a few times where I wish there was a Terry Tate in the office...
Finally, ever great player/worker has to go on vacation every once in a while... Even Terry Tate...
For more funny videos check out Who Should You Vote For or Happy Halloween From The World's Funniest!
Categories Election, Football, Funny, Office Humor, Ouch, Sarah Palin, Terry Tate
Triumph The Comic Insult Dog At The Debates
I am not quite sure how this dog manages to get into all of these exclusive places, but I guess he has connections. In this clip he is in the spin room at the 3rd and final Presidential debate. Who do you think he is voting for?
For more funny videos check out More Triumph or Marky-Mark Talks To Animals!
Categories 2008, Barack Obama, Election, John McCain, Triumph the comic insult dog
Cat Vs. Toothbrush
I am not much of a cat lover myself, but this was pretty funny! Watch as this kitten viciously attacks this poor defenseless electric toothbrush...
For more of the funniest videos check out The Best Of Ms. Swan or More Funny Cats!
Categories Cats, Funny, Homemade, pets, toothbrush
February 2009 Digital Conversion
Most of you probably already know about the switch over to digital TV that will be happening in February of 2009, but what about our older citizens. Will this really be a seamless transaction? Have a look...
If you thought that one was funny you'll love this next set of bloopers...
For more funny videos check out Jim Carey As Jay Leno or The Laughing Cop!
Categories afv, Bloopers, Digital Conversion, Funny, Homemade, Old People
Who Should You Vote For?
Just listen to this hot girl, she seems to know what she is talking about... Apparently her name is Hayden Panettiere, I have never heard of her, but she looks kinda familiar, maybe you know. Watch out virgin ears, this video has a bit of profanity...
Next up is another video from Funny or Die, this one shows us what exactly Joe Biden was thinking during the Vice Presidential debate...
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out The Stoner Olympics or Strip Down Sarah Palin!
Categories 2008, Election, Funniest Video In The World, Hayden Panettiere, John McCain, Sexy
Worst Best Man In The World!
Somehow I doubt he is still the "Best Man" after pulling something like that! I guess all wedding don't nessesarily start out on the right foot anyways...
If anybody knows this couple and would like to fill us in on what happened next, please do so in the comments below. For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out Funny Pranks From Around The World or Fact Checker With Bill Murray!
Categories Best Man, Funny, Stupid People, Wedding
Marky Mark Wahlberg Talks To Animals
Wow SNL has been actually coming out with some decently funny videos of late. First the Sarah Palin with Tina Fey and now the Marky Mark impression. Maybe this is a turning point for them. Anybody know the actor who is in this skit?
Here is a clip from a couple shows later... Marky-Mark as Marky-Mark?
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Joe Rogan Stand-up or Cheerleader Takes It In The Face!
Categories Andy Samberg, Animals, Funny, Impersonations, Mark Wahlberg, SNL
Triumph Meets David Blaine
I am sure at least some of you have heard about David Blaine latest stunt where he hangs suspended for 7 days. What you probably missed though was the short hour when Triumph the comic insult dog visited him. Here is what happened...
Triumph the insult Dog meets David Blaine.wmv
For more funny videos check out The Best Of Kramer or See All Or Triumph Videos Here!
Categories David Blaine, Funny, Stunt, Triumph the comic insult dog
Jim Breuer Stand Up And Stoner Olympics
This is some vintage Jim Breuer stand up from The Stress Factory. Damn, you know what, I kinda wish it was Wednesday...
Next up is the Stoner Olympics by Jim Breuer... I don't know about you but I think this would be better than the real thing!
For more Jim Breuer check out this post or go to his Youtube channel here!
Categories Comedian, Funny, Jim Breuer, Stand-up, Stoner Olympics
Homer Simpson Takes A Picture Of Himself Everyday For 39 Years!
I am sure you have run across at least one video of some guy or gal taking a picture of themselves once a day and then posting it up on youtube. Well here is a similar clip only with Homer Simpson... I think this is better than any of those other ones I have seen, although this one is quite impressive!
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out The Best Of Fire Marshall Bill or Lewis Black Vs. Bill Hicks!
Categories Funny, Homer Simpson, Pictures
Joe Rogan Stand Up
The very funny comedian Joe Rogan explains to us the inner working of exactly how George W. Bush got elected.
Next up is another part from the same act as above. This video is a bit longer, but it's worth it. Listen as he explains to us the devolution of people.
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out The Japanese Version Of The Office or Jim Breuer As AC/DC!
Categories Funny, George W. Bush, Joe Rogan, People
Even Homer Simpson Votes
I was kinda surprised at who he ended up vote for. This show does air on Fox afterall...
For more check out A Really Bad Kegstand or The Laughter Chain!
Categories 2008, Election, Funny, Homer Simpson
Very Funny Homevideos
I could do without the Bob Saget commentary, but still these are some hilarious homemade videos. This clip is about ten minutes long so enjoy...
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out The Best Of Space Ghost or Mr. T's New Commercial!
Categories afv, Funny, Home Videos, kids
Sarah Palin Is A Dude!
You know when the National Organization For Women (NOW) doesn't endorse Sarah Palin there is really something wrong with her! Maybe Sarah Palin is nothing more than Bush in drag with lipstick. That would explain why she hardly ever does interviews and her complete lack of intelligence on worldly matters...
Again God help us if they win! Go register to vote for god sakes! For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Tina Fey As Sarah Palin or ditch politics and watch The Homeless James Bond!
Star Wars Auditions With Christopher Walken
Kevin Spacey does a great job as Christopher Walken playing Hans Solo. If I am not mistaken, that is Kevin Spacey playing Walter Matthau who is playing Obi Wan Kenobi too. Not sure about the actor who plays C3P0 though... Either way it is very funny have a look!
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out The Love Boat or Prince Vs. Charlie Murphy!
Categories Auditions, Christopher Walken, Hans Solo, Kevin Spacey, Star Wars, Walter Matthau
Epic Pain
One of the worse crotch shots I have ever seen taken... That was just plain brutal!
For more of the World's Funniest Videos check out These Painfully Funny Videos or these Funny Pranks From Around The World!
Categories Ouch, painful, Stupid People, Unbelievable
Slow Motion Punches
You might want to break out the bong before watching this video... From the crew over at College Humor this is a trippy clip of people getting punched in the face in slow motion. Trust me this won't disappoint, have a look...
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out Gotcha or Start Out The New Year Right!
Categories College Humor, Funny, Hilarious, Punches, Slow Motion
The Home Stretch For The World's Funniest Video 2008
Well the polls are close for the 3rd quarter 2008 and the surprise victor is The Fruitcake Lady with 37% of the vote! In a distant second was Chris Farley Picking Up Chicks with 19%. Next up was the 2nd quarters champion World's Funniest Kids which this time around only managed 14% of the vote. In forth place was the ever present Jim Carrey As Rocky Balboa with 9%. Fifth place went to Stephen Colbert Vs. Rain with 8% of the votes. In sixth place was the Sumo Car Wash with 5% of the vote and rounding out the list was College Daze which only managed to get 4% of the vote!
As always here at The World's Funniest Video, the top four videos will go on to the next round and 3 new videos will be introduced to the running. Those videos are George Carlin A Comedic Genius, David Blaine On The Loose and Fact Checker With Bill Murray! Make sure to cast your vote for your favorite video and get ready for the big winner which will be announced on New Years!
Categories Votes Are In, Voting, World's Funniest Video 2008
The Best Of Dr. Phil And Oprah On Madd TV
Never go against Oprah's favorite things or this will happen to you...
This is my favorite Dr. Phil and Oprah skit from Madd TV... Just wait till the end...
For more funny videos check out David Letterman Serving Fast Food or More Madd TV!
From the Stephen Colbert Report this is threatdown! Today's number one threat is none other than icebergs... But personally I think number 5 should have been the top threat!
For more funny videos check out These Outrageous TV Moments or These Funny Fishing Videos!
Categories Icebergs, Stephen Colbert, Threatdown
Professor Wikipedia
Here is a video that shows you what would happen if your Professor was Wixipedia. This will be the funniest video you have ever seen (citation needed)...
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out Jim Breuer On ACDC or The Best Of Stephen Colbert!
Categories College Humor, Funny, Professor, Wixipedia
Tina Fey As Sarah Palin On SNL
You have to admit she looks and talks just like her... I can only hope that this is not a long term role for Tina Fey if you know what I mean : ) O yeah and if there is an ad running before the video, I apologize, but that is Hulu for ya...
For more funny videos check out Mariah Carrey's First Pitch or The Photo Booth Prank!
Categories 2008, Election, Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin, SNL, Tina Fey
Will Smith And This German Dude Perform Men In Black
I am sure most of you have seen the blockbuster Men In Black with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, but you might have missed this musically number that went along with the film. Enjoy...
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out The Best Of Ms. Swan or The Fact Checker Unit With Bill Murray!
Categories Funny, German, Men In Black, Music, Will Smith
Stripping Down Sarah Palin
Who is the real Sarah Palin? Find out in this exclusive interview from Funny Or Die. All I can say is God help us if McCain wins, I am surprised that we didn't learn anything from these past eight years...
Want more? Check out Triumph At The Republican Convention or The Harry Potter Rap!
Categories 2008, Election, Funny, Sarah Palin
Bill Gates And Jerry Seinfeld Team Up
I am not too sure about this latest advertising push by Microsoft. I can really say it makes me want to switch to Vista, but Jerry Seinfeld is still a very funny guy. Let me know what you think about this very strange video...
For more of the World's Funniest Videos check out This Really Bad Kegstand or Bill Gates Last Day At Microsoft!
Categories Bill Gates, Commericals, Jerry Seinfeld, Microsoft
Samuel L Jackson Titanic Scene
Who knew that Samuel L Jackson had a chance to take Leonardo Dicaprio starring role in the blockbuster Titanic. Here is Samuel in a never before seen screen test with Kate Winslet...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out An Apology Of Behave Of All Canadians or The Best Of Robin Williams!
Categories Funny, Kate Winslet, Movie, Samuel L Jackson, Titanic
Wienerschnitzel Gotcha
This is a commercial I ran across on Youtube for Wienerschnitzel, for some reason I doubt it every made it to TV here in the states, but maybe you have seen it before...
Here is another commercial for Wienerschnitzel... Enjoy!
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out Beer + Oprah or The Photo Booth Prank!
Categories Commericals, Funny, Wienerschnitzel, women
Triumph At The Republican National Convention
One of our favorites here at The World's Funniest Videos, Triumph The Comic Insult Dog made his way to St. Paul, Minnesota to get a glimpse of what it is really like at the Republican National Convention. Here is what happened...
Here is part two from St. Paul of the series. Get it while it last, because you know NBC doesn't want people to actually watch there clips so they don't put them on Youtube : )
For more check out Triumph At The Belmont Stakes or Triumph Smokes Down!
A Really Bad Kegstand
You know most kegstand in my humble opinion are a bad idea, but how will you really know until you see it for yourself. Get ready for the worse kegstand (I hope) of this poor kids life...
For more of the World's Funniest Videos check out Girls Behaving Like Men or Jeff Dunham!
Categories beer, Faceplant, Kegstand, Ouch, Stupid People
An Apology On Behave Of All Canadians
This clip is just for all of our Canadian viewers to the North. It stars your beloved Colin Mochrie, we have had this apology coming for a long time now. Apology accepted...
For more Colin Mochrie check out The Best Of Who's Line or Will Ferrell Saved By Shaq!
Categories America, Canada, Colin Mochrie, Funny, George W. Bush
Fact Checker Unit With Bill Murray
A viral video that has slipped through the cracks here at The World's Funniest Videos. This was released about a year ago and stars Wixipedia and Bill Murray...
For more check out Home Alone Meets I A Legend or Funny Birthdays.
Categories Bill Murray, Fact Checker, Viral Video, Wixipedia
The Photo Booth Prank
I am sure you have all seen those photo booth at the mall, but I bet you haven't been in one quite like this. Get ready for the photo booth that talks back...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Pinata Pain or Fun At The Beach!
Categories Couples, Funny, kids, Photo Booth, Pranks
Laughing Cop
It is never good when a cop laughs at you, right in your face, what are you supposed to do? Find out by watching this funny Just For Laughs video...
For more check out these Clever Pranks or Man Bets Weed At Casino!
Laughter Chain
Starts out with a baby laughing and then goes from there. The 1 minute mark has some really funny laughter. Just try and watch this whole clip without laughing, I bet you can't...
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out Ode To Joy or Coach Goes Crazy!
Sexy Photograph Prank
This little prank from Just For Laughs is just too funny! There you are walking down the street and a beautiful woman comes up to you asking for a simple photograph...
The one guy pulling out his own camera is just too typical! For more of the Funniest Videos in the World check out The Best Of Unnecessary Censorship or Letterman Working At McDonalds!