Well I guess this is better then the normal Blah, Blah, Blah... What do u think?
For more funny videos check out Momma Is Santa or Shiny Suds!
The Rapping Flight Attendant
Categories Flight Attendant, Funny, Rap, Viral Video
Did You Get What You Wanted For Christmas?
Well her husband did... I am not so sure about her...
For more crazy videos check out The Indecent Proposal or The Evil Eye!
Categories Christmas, Funny, Married Life, Sexy
The Crazy Screaming Dude
First I would jump... Then I would chase... Then comes the beatings! Still a funny video : )
For more check out Is Momma Santa or The War Face Northpole Style!
Shoes The Youtube Sensation
The first time I heard this song I almost died laughing! This is one of the weirdest viral videos on Youtube, no doubt...
For more crazy video check out Dangerous Wands or Unexpected Divorce Intro!
Categories Music, Shoes, Viral Video, Weird, WTF
Momma Is Santa?
Poor kids are gonna be traumatized for life after this little incident... Either that or mommy is when she finds out what they have been up to!
More funny videos? Watch Jim Carrey's Tribute To Meryl Streep or The Best Of Stephen Colbert!
Drunk Kitty Is Drunk
Don't worry folk this cat wasn't give any alcohol.... Just some STRONG medication from the vet.
For more of the funniest cats in the world check out Funny Cats or for something a bit different watch Poor Tiger Woods!
Kids In The Hall Are Back!
Some of you might not remember the classic Canadian show Kids In The Hall, but I still think you can appreciate the humor. This movies looks like it is gonna be hilarious! Here is the preview for new movie Death Comes To Town...
For more funny videos watch Facebook In Real Life or Slow Motion Punches!
Categories classic, Death Comes To Town, Funny, Kids In The Hall, Movie
Dangerous Wands Harry Potter Parody
About time they came up with a good Harry Potter spoof... This one is an instant classic! Dangerous Minds meets Harry Potter!
For more of the funniest videos watch The Tetris God or Chad Vadar!
Categories College Humor, Dangerous Wands, Funny, Harry Potter, Movie
Vampire Reunion
With all the buzz about Twilight and the seemingly endless supply of new vampire shows I think it is time that we take a look back at some of the more famous vampires of our time. Lucky for us they just had a reunion!
Want more? Silly question... Here is The Coffee Switch and Celebrity Jeopardy!
Categories College Humor, Funny, Twilight, Vampire, Video
Hot Chicks Getting Pranked
Hot chicks and pranks... Is there a better combination in the world? I think not...
Which one was your favorite? The newspaper one was pretty inventive, but I like the hair dryer one myself. For more of the funniest videos on the internet check out Getting Head In Bed or the new I-Phone Leak!
Epic Faceplant
We know here at The World's Funniest Videos that you love a good faceplant. Well... feed your addiction, this is epic!
For more funny check out Backwards Bloopers or Girls Behaving Badly!
The Tetris God
I knew the video game Gods were pretty cruel, but geez this is pretty heavy stuff... What did they ever do to deserve this?!
Want more? Stupid question... of course you do... Here is I Believe I Can Fly or Chappelle And Brady!
Categories College Humor, Funny, Tetris God, Video Games
SNL Tiger Woods Skit
Poor Tiger Woods has been through a lot these past few days with all the scandals and the media attention. Who knew though that he had suffered so many injures AFTER the original accident!
For more SNL check out Tina Fey As Sarah Palin or Clooney And Farley At Seaworld!
Categories Funny, Married Life, SNL, Tiger Woods, Video
For The Love Of Mrs. Brown
This is a couple clips from the play For The Love Of Mrs. Brown... I don't know about you, but it looks pretty hilarious and I am not big on plays! Hide the kids before you play this video, it is NSFW!
Want more funny? Watch Two World's Collide or The Batman Bomb!
Categories For The Love Of Mrs. Brown, Funny, NSFW, Play, Video
The War Face North Pole Style
All of you Full Metal Jacket fans will get a kick out of this one... Watch out though, like the movie it is NSFW! Merry Christmas!!!
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Shiny Suds or the viral video classic David After The Dentist!
Categories Christmas, Elfs, Full Metal Jacket, Funny, Movie, North Pole, NSFW, War Face
Robin Williams Loves Video Games
I always thought Robin Williams was a regular Joe, but this video really proves it... After all, who doesn't love Call Of Duty? This video just might teach you a thing or two about his family as well...
Want more Robin Williams? Check out all These Posts or find out what all the fuss is about The Fruitcake Lady!
Categories Funny, Jimmy Fallon, Late Night, Robin Williams, Video Games
Does Britain Have Talent?
You be the judge... After seeing M Flatley on the show Britain's Got Talent I am just not sure... Does anybody know if he made it to the next round?
Categories Britain's Got Talent, British, Dance-Off, Funny, M Flatley
Two Worlds Collide With Reba McEntire
Boy o boy Reba McEntire must have spent a lot of time in the sun since I last saw her. Not to mention the fact that she put on a few extra pounds! Here is Reba and Andy Samberg together for the first time in their brand new music video...
For more hilarious videos like this one watch Bride Can't Stop Laughing or The Best Of Kramer!
Categories Andy Samberg, Funny, Music, Reba McEntire, SNL, Video
The Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody
This could be even better than the original by Queen... Get ready for one of the craziest Muppets video ever created! Enjoy!
For more of the funniest videos in the world watch The Skydiving Prank or stick with the Muppets and check out Resident Evil 5, Muppets Style!
Categories Bohemian Rhapsody, Funny, Muppets, Music, Video
Benny Hill Car Chase
Anything set to Benny Hill music is alright in my book... Especially a good old LA car chase!
Watch more of the funniest videos in The Faceplant Heard Round The World or The Sleepwalking Dog!
Categories Benny Hill, Car, Chase, Funny, Video
Shiny Suds
We have all seen the commercial with the bathroom cleaners that magically cleans your entire bathroom. This is one of those ads... Well in a funny sorta way...
For more of the weirdest commercials in the world watch These Sexy Commercials From Around The World or Roller Babies!
Categories commercials, Sexy, Shiny Suds, WTF
What A Cute Baby!
Ah there is nothing quite like a little bundle of joy to put a smile on your face. People just can resist cute babies like this one...
For more of the funniest videos ever assembled check out Bride Can't Stop Laughing or College Daze!
Prank Wars The Skydiving Prank
Ah the good old prank wars... If you haven't seen them yet perhaps you should start from the beginning. Otherwise, get ready for the latest installment where Amir tricks his buddy into thinking he is plummeting to his death... I know... Sounds hilarious!
For more funny pranks watch Getting Head In Bed or go old school and check out Phil Hartman SNL Audition!
Categories Amir, College Humor, Funny, Prank Wars, Pranks, Skydiving
Faceplant On So You Think You Can Dance
I was never much of a fan of So You Think You Can Dance, but after watching this clip over, and over, and OVER AGAIN I am starting to warm up to the idea...
For more funny, yet painful videos watch Rock, Paper, Scissors or find out why Woman And Beer Don't Mix!
Categories Faceplant, Hilarious, Ouch, painful, So You Think You Can Dance
We Are Douchebags
Douchebags all over the world are uniting with one single cause... If only they were all in one big building that caught on fire... Wait did I just say that out loud?! Watch out, this one is rated NSFW!
For more of the funniest videos in the universe watch The Google Street View Guys or This Adorable Sesame Street Kid!
Categories Douchebags, Funny, men, NSFW, Viral Video
Bride Can't Stop Laughing
Not sure if this is a good sign or a bad sign for their marriage... One thing is for sure though... she does have a great sense of humor!
For more of the funniest videos on the planet watch The Sniper Prank or Classic Letterman At McDonalds!
Funny Catwalk Blooper
The newsman just can't get enough of this little supermodel's blooper... Can u blame him?
I don't know about u, but that guy's laugh made the clip for me... For more funny bloopers check out These Posts or Get Snipped In This Clip!
Funny Army Commercial
Unless you are one of those people that just don't watch TV you have probably seen the Army commercial where they show you just how much life experience you get from joining the Army... Well here is the latest commercial...
Want more? Silly question of course you do... Watch Google Wave Pulp Fiction Edition or The Indecent Proposal!
Categories Army, College Humor, commercials, Funny, Video
How Did They Make Google Street View Anyways?
Just imagine what it would be like driving around in the Google car, street after street! Here is a clip from the upcoming documentary about Google Street View...
Didn't get you HaHa fix yet? Watch Mr. T's Banned Commercial or get ready for Halloween with These Funny Pranks!
Categories College Humor, Funny, Google, Internet, Street View, Video
Dave Chappelle Kid's Shows
In this next video from the World's Funniest Dave Chappelle talks about the old school TV shows that we used to watch growing up... He makes some pretty good points, but watch out this one is NSFW!
For more Dave Chappelle check out These Chappelle Videos or find out why Everything Is Better In Slow Motion!
Categories Dave Chappelle, Funny, kids, NSFW, sesame street
Japanese Sniper Prank
We don't call it The World's Funniest Videos for nothing! Here is one that comes to us all the way from Japan, the land of the mean prank... They are lucky this guy wasn't packing heat, there could have been a real shootout!
For more funny pranks check out these videos or take a look Inside High Times!
Google Wave Pulp Fiction Style (NSFW)
Well in case you have been living under a rock on the Internet these days, you have probably heard of Google Wave... Now is your chance to see it in action, watch out though this video is not for virgin ears!
For more Samuel L. Jackson check him out in The Titanic or Enjoy This Famous Top Ten!
Categories Funny, Google Wave, Pulp Fiction, Samuel L Jackson, Viral Video
Funny Talking Animals
Who knew the BBC had a sense of humor? Which one do you think is the funniest animal? I like the bird myself...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Big Mouth Bass Gone Crazy or Jim Breuer on AC/DC!
Fat Girl Falls Off Bike
I wish I could watch this on repeat over and over again... Even though it is on like ever Youtube montage, it's still damn funny!
For more funny fatties check out This Instant Classic or watch The Fake Lottery Ticket!
Categories bike, fat chicks, Funny, Ouch, painful, Viral Video
T-Pain Obama Style!
Somehow I had never even heard of T-Pain... Is that wrong? I gotta say though this I-Phone App does put a little more life into the whole health care debate...
For more crazy videos like this one check out The Fake Lottery Ticket or A Super Special Birth!
Categories Funny, I-Phone, Jimmy Kimmel, Obama, T-Pain
Funniest Video 2009 Votes Are In!
Voting for 3rd quarters funniest video in the world was a bit closer than usual. In first place was Greatest Freak Out capturing 32% of the vote. In a close 2nd place was Sexy Funny Commercials with 25% of the vote. 3rd place went the The Funniest DUI Stop Ever with 15% of the vote. 4th place was Oprah Goes Crazy with 8% and The Flame War close behind with 7%. In 6th place was Mow The Lawn with 6% and finally in last place Colonel With Mel Gibson. Apparently you people don't appreciate a good KFC parody : )
As you might already know the top 4 videos go on to the final round and we will introduce three new videos that have a chance at becoming The World's Funniest Video 2009. The New Nominees are Having A Baby?, Fake Lottery Ticket and Protect Insurance Companies!
Categories Votes Are In, Voting, World's Funniest Video 2009
Big Mouth Bass Gone Crazy!
Somebody has a little too much time on their hands... I gotta admit though, I wish my Big Mouth Bass did this though too!
For more hilarious videos check out Best Of Terry Tate or The Sexy Car Wash!
Categories Big Mouth Bass, Funny, Viral Video
This Week In Unnecessary Censorship
Jimmy Kimmel's show is alright sometimes, but this is by far the best part : ) Unnecessary censorship is always good for a laugh...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Getting Head In Bed or Jack Black Turns On An Xbox360!
Categories Funny, Jimmy Kimmel, Unnecessary Censorship, Video
Protect Insurance Companies Profits!!
The following is a public service announcement from Funny Or Die... Don't let Obama win and pass a Universal Health Care Bill... we can't let this happen... The insurance companies need to make huge profits to pay for the health care for their employees...
For more watch the Seinfeld Auditions or this Epic Commercial!
Categories Funny, Jon Hamm, Obama, Olivia Wilde, Politics, Thomas Lennon, universal health care, Video, Will Ferrell
Windows 7 Party Time!
I know Microsoft has been pulling out all the spots by trying to bribe people with their silly Bing, but I didn't know they were going quite this crazy with the whole Windows 7 release... I guess they are getting desperate at this point!
For more funny videos watch Rollover - The Lifetime Original or Is Jeff Goldblum Dead?
Baby Dancing To Beyonce
Not a big fan of Beyonce myself, but this baby sure seems to dig her... I think Beyonce could learn a thing or two from this baby's mad moves!
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Will Ferrell As Neil Diamond or Fun At The Beach!
Categories babies, Beyonce, Cute, Dance-Off, Home Videos
Getting Head In Bed
Don't worry it's not what you think... Get your mind out of the gutter people!!!
For more funny pranks check out These Videos or This Amazing Pole Dancer!
Categories Funny, Pranks, Sexy, Viral Video
Death Metal Puppy
The death metal... It's in his BLOOD!!!! Takes a REAL dog to be able to pull this off... Hurts my throat just listening to it!
For more of the funniest animals in the world check out These Videos or Best Divorce Ever!
The Marshmallow Test
Can you resist the yummy goodness of a nice fluffy marshmallow? This experiment takes a few toddlers and puts them in a room alone with a marshmallow... What do u think happens?
For more cute kids check out Super Talkative Baby or Babies Eating Lemons!
Next Funny Video!
Cute Kid Rejects Baseball
I am not the biggest fan of Baseball, but this one was just too funny! Watch as this Philly fan makes a great catch and gives the ball to his daughter... Apparently she is not too impressed!
For more funny moments in sports check out A Really Funny Hockey Fight or The Burping Cats!
Next Funny Video!
Modern Day Funeral
These days people on the net always have some stupid comment to almost everything that hits the newsvine, but did you know that they have carried it as far as funerals?! A little uncalled for if you ask me...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Rollover or Why It Sucks To Be A Ref!
Next Funny Video!
Categories College Humor, comments, Funeral, Video
You Lie!!!!
I am sure by now most of you have seen the famous clip where the jackass from South Carolina interrupts the President of The Untied States, but did you know that this wasn't the first time congressman Joe Wilson has made this allegation... Just check out this video, Joe apparently gets around!
For more funny stuff watch Glenn Beck Has Cloned Himself or Amish Gone Wild!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Barack Obama, Funny, Joe Wilson, Politics, You Lie
Having A Baby? You Need To See This!
Whether you have had a baby in the past or are thinking about starting a family this video is designed specially for you. Who knew that have a pet could prepare you so well for having a baby?
Want more funny... Of course you do, watch Twouble With Twitter or The Prank Wars!
Next Funny Video!
Animals Stealing
I can't say I blame em... I mean the food is right there for the taking! My favorite is the raccoon... sneaky little sucker!
For more funny animals check out Funny Cats A Plenty or The New Guy!
Next Funny Video!
Gus Porter Ain't No Socialist!
This next video is dedicated to all those hardcore Americans that don't need no socialist medicine in dis dem der country! Gus Porter... A proud and truly REAL American! Death to universal health care!!!!
For more check out our 500th Post or the Fake Lottery Ticket!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Canada, Funny, Gus Porter, universal health care
Glenn Beck Has Cloned Himself
I don't know about you... but I can't live in an America with no cheese... That is just plain wrong! Sorry Mr. Glenn Beck, but I boycott you!
For more political funny check out 4 Ways To Honor Barack Obama or The Death Panels!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Barack Obama, Funny, Glenn Beck, Politics, Racism
Roll Over: A Lifetime Original Movie
Whether you are a die hard lifetime watcher or just happen to sit down while the wife/girlfriend is watching you will get a kick out of this next video from the folks at Funny Or Die... You know... the typical controlling man, this one is starring Cheryl Hines!
Get more of your funny fix by watching Death Panel Are Coming or Man vs. Kids!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Cheryl Hines, Dogs, Funny, Lifetime, Married Life, Roll Over
Inside High Times
If you ever wondered what it would be like to work at High Times. Well, thanks to the guys at College Humor we finally know! Yeah... It's pretty much what I thought...
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out The Anti-Drug Dog or 10 Drugs You Shouldn't Do While Driving!
Categories College Humor, Drugs, Funny, High Times, Weed
500th Post At The World's Funniest Videos!
Well over 3 years back we never thought this site would become such a success and it is all thanks to you, the viewers! Thanks all, here are some highlights from the past 500 posts just in case you missed them!
Pearl The Landlord
Beware The Doghouse
More Cowbell
The Coffee Switch
Sexy Funny Commercials
Best Of Terry Tate
Epic Commercial
You can check out more of our funniest videos in our 400th post and 200th post! And finally, in honor of our 500th post here is a funny video for all you out there... geeks 1, hot chicks in bikinis 0!
Next Funny Video!
Categories 500th Post, Funny, Sexy, The World's Funniest Videos, women
New I-Phone Leak
You know... I never really thought the I-phone was that special until I saw all the apps that they have! They got an app for EVERYTHING : )
Get your funny fix watch Megan Fox Diss Seth Rogan or Kevin Spacey Does Impressions!
Categories commercials, Funny, I-Phone, relationships
Death Panels Are Coming!!!!!
If you have been following the Universal Health Care debate there is no doubt that you have heard about these Death Panels that go around slaughtering senior citizens... At first I didn't believe it, but then I saw this!
Want more political funnies? Watch McCain Girl Vs. Obama Girl or the McCain Obama Dance Off!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Death Panels, Funny, Politics, universal health care, Video
10 Chick Flick Cliches
This video might actually make me go see He's Just Not That Into You : ) Bradley Cooper, Kevin Connolly, and Justin Long pull this off pretty good, which one is your favorite chick flick cliche? I am going with #4...
For more check out Justin Long For Hunger Relief or This Pleasant Surprise!
Next Funny Video!
Things You Don't Say To Your Wife
This next funny video is from the comedian Tim Hawkins, I had never heard of him, but this song was hilarious. I am sure some of us can relate! I gotta say this is much better than the Greenday version too. Anybody know if all of his stuff musical like this?
For more funny musical videos check out Prop 8 The Musical or U Can't Wrap This!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Funny, Married Life, Music, Things You Don't Say To Your Wife, Tim Hawkins, Wife
Cat Vs. Aquarium
I bet you can guess what happens in the next video, but I still can't stop watching it... That is one major face plant... WTF is this cat thinking?
For more cat check out Funny Cats or The Search For The Holy Grail!
Next Funny Video!
Newbie Boyfriend
Poor guy gets the 5th degree just for not keeping up with technology... Poor guy will never learn I guess!
For more watch The Little Chocolate Donut or Make Sure You Tidy Up!
Next Funny Video!
Categories College Humor, Dating, Funny, men, women
10 Drug You Shouldn't Do While Driving
My personal favorite has to be LSD... The alcohol one was a little much : ) Still pretty funny German video. It kinda lost me at the end there, maybe you can translate.
Want more? Of course you do, watch The Fake Lottery Ticket or Instant Karma!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Driving Crazy, Drugs, Funny, German, NSFW
Triumph At The Dog Hotel
These days pets are pampered to no end... In this clip Triumph the Insult Comic Dog goes to a high scale pet hotel to see how the good life lives.
For more Triumph check out These Posts or Watch Oprah Go Crazy!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Conan O'Brien, Funny, Hotel, pets, Triumph the comic insult dog
Dog In A Swing
Lol this dog really looks like he his having a good time : ) Finally a good dog video, cat ones are a dime a dozen!
For more funny videos check out The McCain Obama Dance Off or Find Out What A Bum REALLY Makes!
Categories Cute, Dogs, Funny, Home Videos, swing
The Urban Olympics
This one if for all of you out there that don't quite have what it takes to make the Olympic team in your country. This guy is not bad actually.... Better than the Stoner Olympics I guess...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Mr. Dave Chappelle or More Cowbell!
Next Funny Video!
What Happened In Albuquerque?
Next up is a video from the upcoming movie The Goods, Live Hard Sell Hard! This clip stars Will Ferrell and Jeremy Piven... I don't want to tell you too much cause it will just ruin it for u... enjoy! Watch out this one is considered to be NSFW (not suitable for work)!
For more funny movies check out The Colonel With Mel Gibson or visit the 90s in these Classic In Living Color Clips!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Jeremy Piven, Movie, NSFW, The Goods, Viral Video, Will Ferrell
Fake Lottery Ticket
I always though that if someone gave me one of these fake lottery tickets I would never forgive them... I suppose that is what this guy is thinking right about now.
For more of the funniest videos on the internet check out The Indecent Proposal or The Greatest Freak Out Ever Recorded!
Next Funny Video!
Categories afv, fake ticket, Funny, Lottery, Prank, Viral Video
Megan Fox Disses Seth Rogen
Here poor Seth Rogen is just trying to be nice and the hottie Megan Fox denies him the kiss on the cheek in front of millions of people... I wouldn't forget this moment either!!!
Want more funny celebrities? Watch Celebrity Jeopardy With Tom Hanks or Robin Williams On Viagra!
Next Funny Video!
Categories Celebrities, Funny, Jimmy Kimmel, Kiss, Megan Fox, Seth Rogen
Unexpected Divorce Intro
Who knew getting a divorce could be so much fun! Some of you might want to start on the bottom video if you haven't seen the original yet : )
If you are wondering how their wedding started... Well here you go, the original JK Wedding Entrance Dance! They started out so damn happy... WHAT HAPPENED?
For more wedding videos check out The Indecent Proposal or Resident Evil 5!
Next Funny Video!
Never Try And Out Run The Cops On A Tractor
Ah... there is nothing quite like a good drunk guy on a tractor video! This cop has an easy job, just waiting on the country road for somebody to fly by in their tractor with a big bottle of whiskey.
For more drunken videos check out A Drunk Jeff Goldblum or The World's Funniest Drunk!
Next Funny Video
The Indecent Proposal
This guy gets tested right before his big wedding day... What do you say, did he pass the test?
For more funny commercials check out The Funny Sexy Commercials or The Motherlover!
Next Funny Video!
Categories commercials, Funny, men, Sexy, Wedding