In cased you missed it just the other day, this interview with Paul McCartney was pretty darn hilarious. You have to admit Stephen Colbert is one of the best interviewers out there... "Who was your favorite Beatle?" John, Paul, George or Ringo? Either way I think the Dalai Lama was offended!
Stephen Colbert Interviews Paul McCartney
Categories Funny, Interview, Paul McCartney, Stephen Colbert, The Beatles
The Little Chocolate Donut
Next up here at The World's Funniest Videos is a John Belushi classic from the early days of SNL. I remember this one from when I was a kid... It's called The Little Chocolate Donut...
For more classics check out The Best Of Terry Tate or The Taco Bell Run!
Categories Chocolate Donut, classic, John Belushi, SNL
The One Week Parody
I am sure we have all got this Bare Naked Ladies song stuck in our heads at one point or another right? Well have a listen to this one and see if you can memorize all these lyrics... bet you can't!
For more hilarity check out Cheerleader Takes It In The Face or Unnecessary Censorship 2008!
Categories Bare Naked Ladies, College Humor, Funny, One Week, Parody
Man Vs. Kids
Watch as these little ninjas get smacked down by a much bigger opponent! Poor kids, what did they do to deserve such a beating?
What you didn't think that man was actually going to win did you? For more of the Funniest Videos On The Internet check out Andy Dick The Speech Writer or A Nice Glass Of Lemonade!
The Epic War Between Good And Evil
This video is made by Snickers, not sure exactly what is has to do with candy, but I thought it was pretty funny. Get ready for a battle like you have never seen, the battle between good and evil, stop and go...
For more funny videos have a look at Sumo Car Wash or How Much Do Bums Really Make?
Categories commercials, Epic, Funny, Snickers, Viral Video
The Love Of Fishing
With winter dragging on the people at World's Funniest Video's thoughts drift to the summer lake and all the good times that the summer provides us all.... Well, unfortunately we still have a couple more months of winter to go so to help you think Spring check out these funny fishing videos. My favorite has to be the SHAKING DUDE!
For more funny videos check out Home Alone Meets I Am Legend or These Freaky Celebrity Look Alikes!
The Excercise Ball Surprise
Ok that's enough politics, this next funny video is pretty darn straight forward... I won't ruin it for you, let's just say thank god for instant replay!
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Bob And Bob In Office Space or These Hilarious Superbowl Commercials!
Categories College Humor, exercise ball, Funny, Ouch, Prank
Congratulations Barack Obama!
Today Barack Obama was sworn in as President of The United States. We here at World's Funniest Videos just wanted to take a moment to say congratulations! We can only hope that you do better than the last one... we won't even mention his name...
In honor of Barack Obama's accomplishment here is four ways to make fun of President Obama...
For more Obama check out These Posts or laugh at The Very Funny Mitch Hedberg!
Categories Barack Obama, Funny, Inauguration 2009, Politics
How Do You Joke About A Black President?
With Bush's last days in office winding down all the comedians and late night talk show hosts must be freaking out! After all, where are they gonna get all that great material now? Bush was a walking disaster and now we have Barack Obama, the first African American President. Apparent Jimmy Kimmel was wondering the same thing so he visited a black barber shop to test out some jokes for our new President...
For more Kimmel and Obama check out this interview from a while back. This video from Jimmy Kimmel live was back before Barack won the election...
For more Obama check out Robin Williams Talking Obama or These Work In Progress Bloopers!
Categories Barack Obama, Funny, George W. Bush, Jimmy Kimmel, Politics
Pierce Brosnan Blooper From After The Sunset
Brett Ratner the director of a Pierce Brosnan film from 2004 called After The Sunset pulls a fast one on Pierce in this never before seen blooper. Pierce is talking on the phone and turns around expecting to find the gorgeous Salma Hayek...
For more of the funniest videos in the universe check out Make Sure You Tidy Up or The Mr. T Snicker Commercial!
Categories After The Sunset, Bloopers, Movie, Pierce Brosnan, Prank, Salma Hayek
You Are Not The Father!!!
We have all seen the infamous Maury Povich shows where they some skanky hoe who has no clue who's the father of their baby. Well this is kinda like that only with Baby Jesus as the center of the controversy.... Leave it to College Humor to come up with something like this!
For more funny videos check out Why Switching Bodies Is No Good or Andy Kaufman Vs. Jerry Lawler!
Categories Christmas, Funny, Jesus, Maury Povich, Parody
The Taco Bell Run
The music really makes this next video. I can't remember the name of the tune, but it works perfect in this Taco Bell Run! Maybe you know what it is...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Bill Gates Last Day At Microsoft or The Laughter Chain!
Categories Funny, Music, Slow Motion, Taco Bell, Viral Video
Funny Water Video Compilation
I don't know about you, but most of us here in the Northeast Untied States are all thinking Spring with Winter dragging on. Here is a video that will help us all think Spring.... maybe even Summer! Some of these wipeouts really look painful!
For more funny videos check out Demetri Martin's Visual Aid or for more thoughts of Spring check out Fun At The Beach!
The Evil Eye
This kid isn't quite sure if he is angry or laughing hysterically. Either way it's pretty darn cute...
For more funny videos check out Conan O'brien At The Canadian Border or I Hope This Ticket Was Darn Cheap!
Categories Cute, Evil Eye, Home Videos, Homemade, kids
Animals Are Better Than You
Sure most humans think that we are the top of the food chain and far superior to all animals on earth. Well I am hear to tell you that's just not true! Here is proof that animals are better than you...
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Professor Wixi or Do You Have A Wigger Problem?
The Very Funny Mitch Hedberg
Known for his subtil and whitty humor Mitch Hedberg is was one of the best stand-up comedians ever to grace the stage. He certainly will be missed. Here is a clip from a ways back... classic stuff!
Here is another clip from Mitch, this one is from Late Night With David Letterman...
For more funny videos check out The Difference Between Men And Women or Early Jim Carrey Impressions!
Categories Comedian, Funny, Mitch Hedberg, RIP, Stand-up
Dumb Luck Gameshow Moments
Sometimes it's better to be lucky then good, these are some of those cases. You really gotta wonder who those 11 people are on Family Feud!
For more funny videos check out More Game Show Mania or The McCain Obama Danceoff!
Bob And Bob In Office Space
This next video is from one of my favorite movies of all time... Office Space! We all know that the office has never been the same since this classic movie came out 10 years ago now!
The next scene is the famous printer beating I know I have wanted to do this more than once...
For more from the World's Funniest Videos check out Fun At The Beach or Funny Fishing Videos!
Categories Movie, Office Humor, Office Space, Printer Beating
Guns Can Be Funny Too
Normally you might think that guns really aren't that funny, but if you put them in the hands of the right people you just might think a bit differently. After seeing this video I don't know why I have to warn you, but don't try this a home anyways! Behold the power of the .577 T-Rex!
You just gotta love the music choice on that last one! For more of the funniest videos on the planet check out Catcher Gets A Wake Up Call or Funny Babies Eating Lemons!
Categories Funny, Guns, Ouch, painful, Unbelievable
The Difference Between Women And Men
We have all pondered the age old question of what exactly is it that makes men and women so much difference. Well thanks to this Heineken commercial we finally have the answer! I am sure we can all appreciate this one...
For more of the funniest videos on the internet check out Ode To Joy or The Dysfunctional Home Show With Jim Carrey!
Funny Kids
A compilation of some of the funniest homemade videos on the net. Sure you have probably seen one of two of these, but trust me, it's worth it... Kids are just too funny sometimes!
For more funny videos check out If They Mated or Netflix Movies Getting Their Revenge!
Categories Cute, Funny, Home Videos, Homemade, kids
Make Sure You Tidy Up
Next up here at the World's Funniest is another one of those crazy "banned commercials". This one is from IKEA and shows us the importance of keeping a tidy house. Which spot is your favorite 1st, 2nd or 3rd? Tough to pick just one : ) Watch out part of this video might be considered NSFW.
Want more? Of course you do, check out Dave Chappelle Smoking Weed or The Chicken Police!
Categories Commericals, Funny, IKEA, Outrageous, Sexy, women
Justin Long For Hunger Relief
Justin Long the Mac Guy and the star of a few different movies including Jeepers Creepers, Accepted, Dodgeball, Galaxy Quest, Herbie: Fully Loaded, Live Free and Die Hard is in the next short exclusive viral video from College Humor. Anyone who has done a bong hit or two can appreciate this one. People in third world countries... not so much...
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Girls Behaving Like Men or The Great Office War!
Categories Celebrities, Drugs, Funny, Justin Long, pot, Weed
Do You Have A Wigger Problem?
Damn, I remember back in High School it was like an epidemic of wiggers, they were everywhere! I just wish this service Wigout by Snoop Dogg was around back then... Just think of how many lives it would have saved!
For more funny videos check out Homeless James Bond or The Batman Bomb!
Categories Funny, Race, Racism, Snoop Dogg, Wiggers
The Funniest Video Of 2008 Is...
Well this year was another landslide victory in the quest for the World's Funniest Video 2008. This time The Fruitcake Lady could not be stopped with a whopping 40% of the vote! Congratulations you straight talking foul mouthed old lady : )
In second place was Chris Farley Picking Up Chicks with 15% of the vote. A close third place was held by The World's Funniest Kids with 14% of the overall vote. 4th went to Jim Carrey As Rocky Balboa with 11% and 5th to George Carlin with 10% of the vote. Rounding out the bottom were David Blaine On The Loose with 5% and Fact Checker With Bill Murray only managing to capture 1% of the vote!
This year we are starting anew with 7 different videos, voting for the first quarter of The World's Funniest Video 2009 begins today. The new nominees are...