I am sure most of you may remember the mad craze that was Tickle Me Elmo... Will I guess they are starting to get really desperate... Check out this new toy!
Next up is a Christmas classic! It is a Charlie Brown Christmas with a twist... It is all performed by the cast of the TV show Scrubs... Hilarious!
Last up is a meeting between our President George W. Bush and the big man himself... Santa Claus! Merry Christmas!
For more holiday fun check out what Jim Gaffigan thinks about the holidays or watch Santa take a bad spill!
Merry Christmas From The World's Funniest Videos!
Categories Charlie Brown, Christmas, George W. Bush, Madd TV, Santa
The World's Funniest Kids?
Well I am not sure if I have seen every single video out there, so I really can't say for sure, but these two kids are pretty hilarious... This one sounds like it should be on Britain's Funniest Home Videos with the heavy accent. "Charles Bit Me"
This next one is from here in The States. I won't ruin it for you, so just watch...
Last up is one just for the holidays! This is one of the most priceless reactions to a present I have every seen... I guess he got the right gift : )
Which one did you think was the best? #1, #2 or #3? Leave your vote in the comments below. For more funny kids from The World's Funniest Videos check out these hilarious birthday moments or watch these poor helpless sleeping people!
Categories Charlie Bit Me, Hilarious, Homemade, kids, Reaction
No Pain No Gain
Not sure what exactly these people gain, but we do get a nice laugh out of it...
Feel their pain! The Donkey one has to be my favorite... But there all worth the view!
This is what happens when animals attack!
For more funny homemade videos check out this post or check out The Office bloopers!
Jim Gaffigan Explains The Holidays And Hot Pockets
Just in time for the holidays comedian Jim Gaffigan gives us a hilarious look on Christmas and all the other holidays... If you think about it they are all pretty ridiculous!
Next up Jim Gaffigan explains to us the cultural phenomenon that is the hot pocket! I don't know I kinda like em... maybe the ham and cheese...
For more funny stand-up from The World's Funniest Videos check out Lewis Black Vs. Richard Jeni or these painfully funny videos!
Categories Holidays, Hot Pockets, Jim Gaffigan, Stand-up
Robin Williams On Viagra!
Hmmm maybe I should have worded that differently? Nah, I guess that will work... either way this clip from Robin Wiliams stand-up act is just hilarious! Watch out though it is certainly not for virgin ears...
Since this is a worldly site I am just going to appoligize to the French right now... but you have to admit this is pretty funny stuff!
For more from Robin Williams check out this post or check out these cruel but funny tricks!
Categories Hilarious, Robin Williams, Stand-up, Viagra
Funny Cats A Plenty...
Once again there is just a ton of cat videos out there compared to the dog videos! Send us your funny dog clips so we can even out the balance. Don't get me wrong cats can be funny, take this clip for example...
Sure cats can be pretty funny, but let's not forget all those other creatures out there in the world! Cats, dogs, horse, hamsters... a bit of everything!
Want more funny animals from The World's Funniest Video? If so check out this post or these funny fishing videos!
Dave Chappelle & White People
Dave Chappelle is not afraid to make fun of different races as anyone who watches his show would know. This skit is no exception, and what he uncovers is just so true! Watch out these videos do have a bit of profanity...
One is never enough, and I know we missed out on the Native Americans the first time around, so here we go with more from Dave Chappelle...
For even more Dave Chappelle check out Prince Vs. Charlie Murphy or for something different from The World's Funniest Videos check out these hilarious moments caught on tape!
Categories Dave Chappelle, Hilarious, Racism, Stand-up, Weed
The Best Of Jay Leno
Starting it out with one of my favorite parts of the show headlines! This is a compilation from a few different shows... The stupid criminal one has to be the best!
Next up is a classic from one of his appearances on David Letterman... Classic!
I never though Jay's monologues were anything too spectacular, but the early stand-up routine is pretty hilarious. This act is from Just For Laughs back in 1985...
Want more? Check out The Best Of Kids In The Hall or these great dance-offs!
Categories Hilarious, Jay Leno, Late Night, Stand-up
Clever Pranks
Not sure what language this one is in, but don't worry all you english viewers it does have subtitles! You gotta wonder what is going through these peoples heads... funny stuff!
Absolutely Hilarious Bathroom Mirror Prank - Watch more free videos
Next up is a good variety of pranks that you can pull. There is nothing like a good scare pranks to put a smile on your face... The police on though has to be my favorite!
For more pranks from The World's Funniest Videos check out this post or check out these classics from SNL!
Categories Hilarious, Pranks, Scaring People
The World's Funniest Video 2007 Is...
Sorry your going to have to wait till December 31, 2007 for that one, but you can help choose which videos is the funniest for this year by casting your vote on the side!
Last months results are in and to no surprise The Landlord Pearl came in #1 with 61% of the votes! #2 was Dave Chappelle & Wayne Brady with 9%, Jim Carey As Rocky at #3 with a close 8% of the vote, 4th was Robin Williams Standup with 7%, Sexy Dress Prank with 6% in 5th, David Letterman working fastfood at 6th with only 4% and finally rounding out the bottom is Phil Hartman with 2%.
The top 4 videos will continue on and we will add three more videos to the running to become The World's Funniest Video 2007! The three new entries are The Best Of Kids In The Hall, Girl's Behaving Like Men and For All You Harry Potter Fans. Let your voice be heard and cast your vote today!
Categories results, Votes Are In, World's Funniest Video
America Does Have Some Pretty Funny Videos
First up is a lot of trampoline fun and some other very painful experiences... I gotta wonder what these people were thinking in some of these clips? Music courtesy of Cypress Hill!
This one is especially design for all of our German viewers here at The World's Funniest Videos. It has a bit of subtitles in it just for you! 7 minutes of hilarious action... the falls at the end have to be the best in my opinion.
Please let us know in the comments below if you think one of these videos should be in the running for The World's Funniest! For more check out this classic moment in television or view The Reigning World's Funniest Video Will Ferrell and his landlord Pearl!
The Best Of Conan O'Brien
This first clip is some of the funniest moments ever from Late Night With Conan O'Brien! It includes some classics and some newer stuff...
This next clip is when Conan has the host of the Weakest Link on his program.... This time he turns the tables on her!
Categories Birds, Conan O'Brien, Hilarious, Weakest Link
Happy Halloween From The World's Funniest!
It's is that time of year again... In honor of the great day that is Halloween here are some poor people being scared just for your enjoyment! Tough to pick a favorite, which one did you like?
If you think that was good your gonna love these next ones... I think I am going to have to invest in an electric mouse!
Hope everyone had a blast this year! For more from The World's Funniest check out these hilarious pranks or these hilarious reactions!
Categories Halloween, Hilarious, Pranks, Scaring People
The Best Of Kids In The Hall
First up is a classic skit that some of us might be able to relate to... It's called Daddy Drank! Enjoy...
Next up it is one of my favorite skits from Kids In The Hall. This one is simply called the beard...
Finally this is probably one of the more recognizable skits from Kids In The Hall, the head crusher! An instant classic from The Great North...
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Pinata Pain or another classic from the 90s Homey Don't Play Dat!
Categories 90's, Hilarious, Kid In The Hall, Skits, Videos
The World's Funniest Comedian!
The votes are in for the stand-up battles here at The World's Funniest Videos.
George Carlin Over Denis Leary 59% To 41%
Kevin James Beat Stephen Write By A Small Margin On 56% To 44%
Dave Chappelle Won In A Surprise Victory Over Jerry Seinfeld 64% To 36%
In A Landslide Lewis Black Destroys Richard Jeni 82% To 18%
Stay tuned to the site for the next round when George Carlin takes on Dave Chappelle and Lewis Black is up against Kevin James! Voting starts soon!
This One Is For All You Harry Potter Fans!
The Harry Potter series has swept across the world the last few years, and has captured the imagination of the young and old! For all you die-hard fans that are itching for the next big thing here you go, I bet you haven't seen this never behind the scenes look... behold the Harry Potter Rap!
I know you want more after that so here is Harry Potter in the hood... hilarious!
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Jim Carey and Will Ferrell together at last or laugh at these outrageous Letterman moments!
Categories Harry Potter, Hilarious, Music, Rap
Andy Kaufman Vs. Jerry Lawler
This is probably the most famous Andy Kaufman video there is! This is taken from The David Letterman program and involves Andy Kaufman and the wrestler Jerry Lawler. I bet he still hasn't lived this moment down!
What do you think was the whole thing staged from the beginning?
For more of The World's Funniest Videos check out Dave Chappelle Vs. Jerry Seinfeld or find out just how much cowbell it takes!
Categories Andy Kaufman, David Letterman, Jerry Lawler, Outrageous
Norm MacDonald On Conan O'Brien
This is a classic Conan interview from way back when. Conan is interviewing the lovely Courtney Thorne-Smith from the popular 90's show Melrose place. Let's just say Norm steals the show...
One is never enough here at The World's Funniest Videos so check out this vintage clip or early stand-up from Mr. Norm MacDonald. What ever happened to this guy anyways? After the movie dirty work I haven't heard anything...
For more funny stand-up check out Kevin James and Stephen Wright or for more Conan check out this post!
Categories Conan O'Brien, Hilarious, Norm MacDonald, Stand-up
Homey Don't Play Dat!
From the popular 90's show In Living Color, this is a clip of the classic character Homey The Clown. This is Homey Claus... I know it's a little early in the season but...
Categories 90's, Fire marshall Bill, Homie The Clown, In Living Color
The Award For The World's Funniest Video Goes To
For a second month straight The Landlord Pearl ellipses the competition with an amazing 62% of the vote to once again become The World's Funniest Video. All of the other contenders were not even close with 2nd place going to Jim Carey As Rocky with only 8%, Dave Chappelle and Wayne Brady and The Sexy Dress Prank tied for 3rd getting 7% of the votes each.
In fifth place is the Will Ferrell skit Good Cop Bad Cop with 6% of the votes. In sixth place is The Best of Chris Farley with only 5% and in last place is The Coffee Test with a pathetic 2% of the vote.
Normally the top three videos would go on to the next round, but since there is a tie we have decided to keep the top four in the running to become The World's Funniest Video. Three new videos will be added to the list and those are David Letterman Working, Phil Hartman's Best and Robin Williams stand-up!
So what are you waiting for cast your vote today! Just look to the sidebar for details...
Categories results, Votes Are In, World's Funniest Video
David Letterman Working At McDonalds
I wonder how many customers McDonald's lost this day? This is classic David Letterman as you can tell by the cars going through the drive-thru! What would you do in this situation?
Next time up Dave is working at a Taco Bell Drive-Thru... This one is a little better cause you can actually see the faces of the poor people that just wanted to eat a quick lunch! "She's gone already chief!"... just hilarious!
Please vote by commenting below if you think this should be in the running for The World's Funniest Video! You can also view more from David Letterman, this time with John Stewart here or find out why women and beer don't mix!
Categories David Letterman, Drive Thru, Hilarious, McDonald's, Taco Bell
Jim Carrey At Meryl Streep Tribute
Very funny speech from one of the most talented men on the planet, Mr James Carrey! This clip is from a tribute show to the great actress Meryl Streep... Jim does a few great impressions and even does a song and dance!
This next video involves Jim Carrey as well! This one is straight from The Late Show With David Letterman... I won't ruin it for you, your just going to have to watch!
For more Jim Carrey check out Jim and Willie or for more Letterman watch these unforgettable moments!
Categories David Letterman, Hilarious, Jim Carrey, Meryl Streep
Some Of The Funniest Moment From The Daily Show
First up it is Back In Black with Lewis Black... one of my favorite segments from the show. In this clip he explains to us just how important celebrities are in combating climate change...
Next up is something ripped from the headlines... that's right OJ is on the run again and The Daily Show has the inside scope on that and Hilary's new health care plan!
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Robin Williams at his best or more from Lewis Black!
Categories Daily Show, Earth Day, Funny, Hilary Clinton, Lewis Black
Girls Behaving Like Men
Much to the surprise of these unsuspecting elevator visitors... Sure it starts out like love in an elevator, but turns into the tomb of no escape!
This next prank is from the TV show Girls Behaving Badly, it features the beautiful Brooke Burke and has two poor male victims... I won't ruin it for you, enjoy!
For more pranks from The World's Funniest Videos check out this post or these funny adverts!
The Best Of Phil Hartman
He was one of my favorite comedians of all time and it was a real shame that he was taken before his time. Here are a couple of his finer moments in my eyes.
First up is a clip from Saturday Night Live. In this one Phil Hartman plays President Clinton to a tee. This has to be one of my favorite skits from the once funny show...
Next is a clip from his days as the unfrozen caveman lawyer!
This next clip is from The Simpsons. In case you didn't know it Phil Hartman was a frequent guess on the show. In this video he is Lionel Hutz attorney at law...
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out these funny fishing videos or watch The Simpson going crazy!
Categories 90's, Hilarious, Phil Hartman, SNL, The Simpsons, Video
The Roast Of Denis Leary And Others
This first one features Dane Cook poking fun at pretty much everyone on the stage at the Denis Leary roast. I am not too familiar with Dane Cook, but he is actually quite funny...