Phil Hartman was a comedic legend who was taken well before his time... Here is a classic clip from his original Saturday Night Live Audition. He was one of the best SNL actors in my opinion and was hands down the best in News Radio.
For more funny videos check out The Best Of Phil Hartman or Guns Can Be Funny Too!
Phil Hartman SNL Audition
Categories Auditions, classic, Phil Hartman, RIP, SNL
Lisa Lampenelli And Simon Cowell On Leno
I wasn't the biggest Lisa Lampenelli fan until I saw this clip, I gotta say she is hands down one of the funniest women on the planet! In case you missed it the other day here she is on Jay Leno.
For more Lisa Lampenelli check out her roasting Gene Simmons and others... Just hilarious!
For more funny videos check out The Evil Eye or Obama Girl Vs. McCain Girl!
Categories Gene Simmons, Hilarious, Jay Leno, Lisa Lampenelli, roast, Simone Cowell, women
The 400th Post At World's Funniest Videos!
Well when we started this whole thing a couple years back now we never dreamed that this site would turn into such a hit. Here are a couple highlights from the past 100 posts here at The World's Funniest Videos!
Jack Black Turns On And XBOX 360
The Taco Bell Run
Funniest DUI Stop Ever
Ultimate Revenge On A Telemarketer
David Drugged Up After The Dentist
Man Vs. Kids
Robin Williams On Barack Obama
Unnecessary Censorship 2008
What better way to celebrate than to watch the another hilarious video... Some of you might not care for the music... Don't say you weren't warned! Enjoy these horrible drivers...
Thanks to everyone for all their comments!!!
The Colonel With Mel Gibson
In cause you missed Mel Gibson the other night on Jimmy Kimmel Live here is what you missed out on. I guess he has been working on this movie for a while now... It's called The Colonel. All I gotta say is Nice mustache!
For more funny videos check out The Funniest DUI Stop Ever or The Funniest Superbowl Commercials!
Categories Hilarious, Jimmy Kimmel, Mel Gibson, Movie, Parody, The Colonel
The Uncler With Alyssa Milano
Any of you who have seen the movie The Wrestler can appreciate this next funny video. It is from the folks at Funny Or Die and stars good old Uncle Sam and the gorgeous Alyssa Milano...
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out The Kevin Bacon Movie Fan Club or You Are NOT The Father!
Categories Alyssa Milano, Funny, Parody, The Uncler, The Wrestler
Conan O'brien Signs Off
Don't worry Conan will still be on TV, just at another time... Here is the final Late Night With Conan O'brien...
Here is a bit more from the show where Will Ferrell stops by as George W. Bush to wish Conan well... Just hilarious!
For more funny videos check out The Ultimate Revenge or The Star Wars Talk Show!
Categories Conan O'Brien, Funny, Late Night, Signing Off
The Facebook Song
Next up here at The World's Funniest Videos is a viral video that already has over 2 million view on Youtube. Anyone who has a Facebook account can appreciate this one, it's called The Facebook Song... All I can say is nice beard dude!!
For more funny videos check out Beware Of The Doghouse or This Classic Shocking Prank!
Categories Facebook, Funny, Music, Viral Video
Happy Valentine's Day From The World's Funniest
In honor of this special day where people across the world are forced to buy presents for the ones they love here is a special new song in honor of Valentine's Day. It's from the folks at College Humor and it's call If I Were A Bro. Enjoy...
For more funny stuff watch Good Cop Bad Cop or have a little Fun At The Beach!
Categories College Humor, Funny, men, Valentine's Day, women
The WTF Blanket
If you watch a lot of TV chances are you have run across this infomercial for this. College Humor took a slightly different approach with this strange blanket invention...
For more of the funniest videos on the planet check out The Coffee Switch or These Sexy Pranks!
Categories Blanket, College Humor, Funny, Stupid People, Video, WTF
Jack Black Turns On An Xbox 360
Ok you want to have the kids out of the room for this next video. Leave it to Jack Black to come up with a video game console orgy! Sick and funny at the same time...
For more from Jack Black check out him out as Jesus in The Prop 8 Musical or watch Facebook In Real Life!
Categories Funny, Jack Black, Porn, Sexy, Viral Video, Xbox 360
Michael Phelps REALLY With Seth
Well unless you have been living under a rock for the past week or so you have already heard about the infamous Michael Phelps photo showing him smoking a bong. The guy won 12 Gold Metals for the USA, I think he deserves a toke or two and so does Seth from SNL...
This next video kinda fits in as well... It's the best of unnecessary censorship from Jimmy Kimmel, featuring Michael Phelps and Barack Obama... Get the kids out of the room before playing this one...
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out Wienerschnitzel Gotcha or Dave Chappelle And Wayne Brady!
Categories Drugs, Funny, Michael Phelps, SNL, Weed
Jim Carrey As Conan O'brien
Not many people can pull off Conan O'brien but when you got talent like Jim Carrey its easy...
Now watch Justin Long For Hunger Relief or The Best Of Kids In The Hall!
Categories classic, Conan O'Brien, Jim Carrey, Late Night
Simply The Best Of Conan O'brien
A tribute to one of, if not the funniest Late Night show ever... Mr. Conan O'brien & friends!
For more Conan check out The Funniest Guest Moments or Triumph At The Belmont Stakes!
Categories Andy Richter, Conan O'Brien, Hilarious, Late Night
Stephen Colbert Pulls A Christian Bale On Steve Martin
Well any of you who watch the news or browse the net have probably already heard the major freak out that Christian Bale went on during the making of Terminator. Well it seems Stephen Colbert heard it to and decides to poke a little fun at the vulgar mega star...
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out The Matrix Running On XP or These Just For Laughs Videos!
Categories Christian Bale, Funny, Parody, Stephen Colbert, Steve Martin
David Drugged Up After Dentist Office
This video has become an instant viral classic in its very short existence. I guess this poor kid was so out of it they had to carry him out of the Dentist Office! I am sure some of you out there can relate...
For more check out Why Switching Bodies Is No Good or You Are Not The Father!
Categories Cute, dentist office, Drugs, Funny, kids
The Star Wars Talk Show
Remember Ackbar from the Star Wars movies? Well, apparently he started up his own talk show. This one features Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker and one very slutty Princess Laya. Who's your daddy!
For more funny videos watch Mascot Bloopers or Homie Don't Play Dat!
Categories Ackbar, Darth Vader, Funny, Star Wars, Talk Show
Funniest Superbowl Commercials
If you are one of those people that watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials this is just the post for you! Here is a collection of the funniest Super Bowl commercials... BTW who are you rooting for? Pittsburgh or Arizona?
Categories commercials, Funny, kids, Super Bowl Commercial, Tv