Well, I have never heard of Pablo Francisco, but I have to give it to him he does a knock-up job on this impression... Very funny stuff!
I have to admit though there is nothing like the real thing! This next clip stars all of the famous voice-over performers including Don LaFontaine, John Leader, Al Chalk, Mark Elliot, and Nick Tate! I am sure you heard of at least one right? Well maybe not, but this is still pretty good...
Please vote by commenting below if you think one of these videos should be in the running to be the World's Funniest Video! For more videos check out Jerry Seinfeld In Oz or Chris Rock's view on racism.
Ever Wonder Who Does That Movie Preview Voice?
Categories Don LaFonatine, Pablo Francisco, Stand-up, Voice-Over
Funny Commericals From Around The World
I am sure most of can relate to this first commercial... having to deal with a drunk is never a good time especially when you haven't had a drop of alcohol all night!
Categories beer, Commericals, Hilarious, Videos, women
The Simpsons - Lord Of The Boxes
With The Simpson's movie being released just yesterday now is a great time to look back on a couple funny moments from the past... The first one is a spoof on the Lord of the Rings, don't worry no UPS driver's were harmed in the making of this film!
This next clip is from the 24 version of The Simpsons... quite the devious plot I must admit. Even Jack Bauer gets involved in this episode!
You can't just leave it there so here is the conclusion...
For more from The Simpsons check out these classics or these pirate bloopers!
Categories 24, Hilarious, Lord of the rings, The Simpsons, Videos
Will Ferrell In Good Cop Bad Cop
Another installment in the Pearl series, this one sadly is reportedly the last one... In this video Pearl plays a surprisingly effective "bad cop" and lays the smack down on a guilty Will Ferrell... enjoy!
These are some outtakes from the original post in the series... funny stuff!
Does this deserve to be one of The World's Funniest Videos? If so please leave a comment to show your support!
For more Will and Pearl check out the landlord skit or the battle between Kevin James Vs. Steven Wright!
Categories cop, Hilarious, pearl, Video, Will Ferrell
More Funny Babies
What a cruel trick to play on a poor innocent baby, but it is pretty hilarious! This particular clip is a collection of the first time these babies taste lemons... set to a Beatles song!
This next clip is a bunch of funny baby faces... You be the judge, which clip is funnier? The first or the second vote in the comments section below this post!
For more funny babies check out these baby bloopers or this classic moment from the late show with Johnny Carson!
George Carlin Vs. Dennis Leary
Who will survive the battle? You be the judge! First up it is Dennis Leary's No Cure For Cancer... Watch out there is a bit of profanity in both acts and each are about an hour long so break out the popcorn!
Next it is arguable one of the best stand-up comedians of all time George Carlin. Both of them seem to have similar styles. The following is from the Life Is Worth Losing act...
The questions is which one would you vote for? George Carlin or Dennis Leary? Place your vote below this post...
For more stand-up battles check out Kevin James Vs. Steven Wright or watch the always funny Bill Cosby!
Categories Dennis Leary, George Carlin, Hilarious, Stand-up, Videos
In Living Color Bloopers
From one of the best comedy shows of the 90's In Living Color these next videos... Some very famous comedians got there start on the show including Jim Carrey and the Wayne's brothers... Enjoy!
So what do you think was Saturday Night Live better or In Living Color? Vote below in the comments....
For more check out this classic from Fire Marshall Bill or these hilarious SNL skits!
Categories 90's, Hilarious, In Living Color, Jim Carrey, Video
Why Women And Beer Don't Mix
I am sure most of you have heard the saying women and beer don't mix... well here's proof! I just hope the poor kid that got crushed is alright!
The next clip has a couple repeats from the first, but it is well worth it. Please vote in the comments for which video you think is funnier!
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out these funny baby bloopers or find out what causes the summertime blues!
Kevin James Vs. Steven Wright
Who would you choose? Which one is the better stand-up comedian? You be the judge...
Old School Steven Wright?
The sorta newbie Kevin James?
Vote below the post...
Categories Comedian, Kevin James, Stand-up, Steven Wright, Vs
Conan O'Brien Is The Canadian Border Patrol
I don't know about you, but I feel safer knowing that our borders are being protected by Conan O'Brien. I have to say he could pass for a Canadian Mountie any day...
This next clip contains some very graphic material that may not be suitable for child... behold faces of death!
For more Conan O'Brien check out Dave Chapelle on Conan or watch these Star Trek bloopers!
Categories Border, Canada, Conan O'Brien, Hilarious, Videos
Just For Laughs Is What They Claim
These poor people! What a great idea for a practical joke... no where to run!
This next one is a little cheesier, but still pretty darn funny! Try this one at your own risk! I don't know how many people would enjoy getting messed with like this...
This last one is my favorite... How can you not trust innocent old lady with a walker?
For more funny pranks check out this hilarious police prank or watch this classic moment from The Tonight Show!
Categories Hilarious, just for laughs, practical joke, Pranks, Videos
Some Outrageous David Letterman Moments
This is what happens when you take acid on the Letterman show... not the best idea in the world! Crispin Glover from Back to the future was certainly in rare form on this Late Night episode...
Ironically enough this next clip doesn't even have David Letterman in it. He was so sick one night that he had to have Adam Sandler fill in for him! This is what transpired...
And of course I am sure most you you have heard of the next clip involving Drew Barrymore on David Letterman's birthday... He got a very special birthday present!
For more of the funniest videos check out Dave Chappelle and Wayne Brady in the hood or find out who has been writing George W. Bush's brilliant speeches.
Categories Adam Sandler, Crispin Glover, David Letterman, Drew Barrymore
Funny Tv Bloopers
From one of the best show to ever hit the television screen Seinfeld this is just a few of the bloopers from the 6th season of the show.
These next few bloopers are from The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air... yeah I'm a 90's child!
Finally from the long running show Friends these are some hilarious bloopers from the second season.
For more check out these Pirates Of The Caribbean bloopers or these hilarious celebrity look-a-likes!
Categories Bloopers, Fresh Prince, Friends, Jerry Seinfeld
Some Of The Funniest Dodgeball Moments
First your going to need a little background information on how the game of dodgeball is really played... This clip should explain everything!
Ben Stiller does a great job as the bad guy in this one, hilarious!
I bet you can't tell who wins... Chuck Norris Rules!
For more Ben Stiller check out Who Is The Real Tom Crooze or find out what the Walker Texas Ranger lever of destiny is!
Categories Ben Stiller, Chuck Norris, Dodgeball, Funny, Movie
Some Of The Best Baby Bloopers
Most people say too bad they all grow up... well this next clip shows the not so cute side of kids!
The first kids in this next clip is just hilarious! Caught red handed...
The grand daddy of all baby bloopers... I won't ruin it for you!
For more funny kids check out these hilarious home videos or check out Will Ferrell and Pearl!
The Very Best Of Ralph Wiggum
This next clip is from The Simpsons one of the funniest shows on television. "They taste like buring" Let's just say Ralph Wiggum is a very "special" boy...
For more from The Simpsons check out The Simpons going crazy or find out what causes the summertime blues!
Categories Hilarious, Ralph Wiggum, The Simpsons, Tv
So Many Cats, So Little Time!
First of all I just want to apologize to all the dog fans out there... It just so happens that there are a lot more cat videos out there on the net than dog videos. So come on step it up or you will be forced to watch clips like this all day!
You can view all of our cat videos here or check out the dog days of winter here!
In The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time
I am not sure who would be gullible enough to grab the camera in this next clip, but it sure does make for one hilarious video! The reactions are priceless and I am sure some of the outtakes were just plain nasty...
For more funny pranks check out The World's Funniest Pranks or the ever popular sexy dress prank!
Andy Dick As George W. Bush's Speech Writer
I knew there was something odd about the way that George W. Bush's speeches! "Every great president has a great speech writer" Hmmm this video is making more and more sense!
I am sure most of us have seen the crazy ? man on a late night infomercial... well this is a little twist on that provided by Mr. Andy Dick!
And finally as you may know Andy Dick can get a little out of control... well when he was on the Jimmy Kimmel show with Ivanka Trump things got just a bit crazy and he had to be literally dragged from the set. What a mad-man!
Comment if you think this is one of the funniest videos in the world. If you are looking for more check out when news people screw up bad or find out what is love?
Categories andy dick, George W. Bush, Hilarious, Ivanka Trump, Jimmy Kimmel, speech, Video
Bill Cosby - Himself
Get ready for Bill Cosby's hilarious act from 1983. He is certainly up there on the list of all time comedic geniuses! I am sure you will get a kick out of this one...
Here is the second part of the act...
Good time to take an intermission, and then enjoy the third and final scene...
Thanks for all the laughs Bill : )
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out who knew sleeping could be so funny or find out who the best Bush in America is!
Prince Vs. Charlie Murphy
A great skit from The Chappelle Show! Who really knew that Prince was so good at basketball? What else can I say beside Dave Chappelle is simply hilarious... enjoy!
Still don't believe me? Check out this next clip of Dave Chappelle on Late Night With Conan O'Brien. This is one of the funniest interviews Conan has ever done! Is it just me or is Conan a giant?
For more from Mr. Chappelle check out this skit with Wayne Brady or for Conan check out some of the best clips here!
Categories Basketball, Conan O'Brien, Dave Chappelle, Hilarious, prince, Video
Ain't No Cure For The Summertime Blues!
By the look of this lot of videos it would appears as if swimming is actually a full contact sport! Be careful everyone...
O man some of these hurt just watching them... I guess maybe I won't go water skiing this summer! Please vote by commenting if you think this deserves to be in the running for The World's Funniest Video!
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out there is nothing like a cool glass of lemonade on a hot summer's day or the best of Conan O'Brien and Mr. T!
Pirates Of The Caribbean Bloopers
Sometimes movie bloopers can actually be funny believe it or not! These are all from the first movie I believe...
This one is all from The Dead Man's Chest movie in the series. Enjoy!
For more bloopers check out these out takes or these basketball bloopers!
Categories Bloopers, Funny, pirates of the caribbean, Videos
This Not How You Want To Start Your Day
I think I would physically harm someone if they tried to pull a stunt like this! But hey it does make for one hilarious video...
Want more of the funniest videos in the world? Check out these hilarious sleeping videos or the international word for funny!
More Homemade Fun!
A collection of some of the funniest home videos ever caught on tape... I wonder how many of these left a mark?
For more from The World's Funniest Videos check out kids are just too funny or watch these animals adapting in strange ways!
Another One For All The Cat Lovers!
I am not sure how people get so obsessed with their cats, but this might give you a little in site into their minds... I guess cats can actually be funny!
Want more funny pets? Check out more cat lovers or if your all about the dogs you'll love this post!