Apparently Microsoft is something of a genie in a bottle... Unfortunately you have to rub them the right way...
Want more funny? Take a look at The Death Metal Rooster or A Real Phillies Fan!
What Do You Want From Windows 7
Categories College Humor, Funny, Parody, Windows 7
If Beer Commercials Told The Truth
I don't know about you, but I am a Labatt's man myself... No Natty Light will ever touch these lips... again! To this... I swear...
For more of the funniest videos on the planet watch The Twitter Police or A Girls Gotta Trim The Hedges!
Categories Alcohol, beer, commercials, Drinking, Funny, men, Natty Light
Epic Mouse From Nolan's Cheddar
Could this be the most Epic Mouse on the Internet... You show me one better!
For more of the funniest videos check out The Laughing Cop or Everything Is Better In Slow Motion!
Categories commercials, Epic, Funny, mouse, Nolan's Cheddar
The Beaker Ballad
I am sure a lot of us older folks that watched the Muppets as a kid will appreciate this next video... Everyone else... Well... Watch it anyways it's only just over a minute!
For more hilarious videos watch The Best Of Robin Williams or find out why you always need More Cowbell!
Funny Porta Potty Pranks
Leave it to the police to get themselves stuck in a porta potty... O... Wait a second!
Next up is another funny pranks from Just For Laughs, this one really shows just how portable the porta potty can be...
For more funny pranks check these out or for something different watch Tyrone On Fear Factor!
Categories Funny, just for laughs, porta potty, Pranks, Videos
The Love Coupon
Watch out folks this next video is label NSFW (not suitable for work)! Happy Valentine's Day from World's Funniest Videos!
For more video watch Slow Motion Punches or these Funny Pranks From Around The World!
Categories Funny, Love Coupon, men, NSFW, relationships, Sexy, Valentine's Day, women
Twilight Fans Vs. James
If Twilight fans are anything like Hannah Montana fans I would think twice about ever approaching them... Especially in groups... Just look what happens to Cam Gigandet!
For more of the funniest videos in the world check out Pants On The Ground or go old school with The Kids In The Hall!
Funniest Super Bowl Commercials 2010
For those of you that love the Super Bowl but don't like watching football you came to the right place! First up is some very funny Doritos commercials!
This next video is an upcoming Super Bowl 2010 commercial from Audi... Watch out coppers here comes the Green Police!
Finally here is one from Career Builder... That's just not right...
For more commercials from Super Bowls past check these out or for something a bit... different... watch Shoes!
Categories commercials, Doritos, Funny, Green Police, Super Bowl Commercial, Videos
The Bowl Of Water Prank
A classic... Not sure why I didn't think of this one already... The second angle camera shot is a nice touch too... Enjoy!
For more of the funniest pranks ever caught on tape check out The Sniper Prank or Getting Head In Bed!
Categories Funny, Home Videos, Pranks, water, women
Goose Attacks Kayak Fisherman
First of all let me just say this isn't the first time I have seen a Goose attack! Must be something about this guy that they didn't like. Probably though he was moving in on his woman!
For more weird and wacky videos check out No Kissing In Boxing? or The Great Office War!