Conan and Mr T. take a ride to the apples orchard... hilarious and the song at end is actually quite catchy! Who knew Conan was so good at the guitar?
Quality stinks in this next one, but it is only a couple seconds long so I think you can handle it. Of course the classic catch phrase is included!
And finally one of the best skits from the Conan O'Brien show "In The Year 2000" Mr. T can't seem to wipe the smile off his face! I get the feeling they enjoyed working with each other... maybe Mr. T did a little too much : )
For more from the best man in late night check out my top three comedians or for something totally different... cheerleaders gone wild!
The Best Of The Dynamic Duo That Is Conan & Mr. T
Categories Conan O'Brien, Hilarious, Mr. T, Videos
Some Of The Best From Chris Farley
Let's start it off with Chris Farley playing Tom Arnold on SNL... hilarious stuff, he is a legend!
Here is a short clip from SNL, crazy version of Regis And Kelly... Wish I could find the whole skit...
Matt Foley motivational speaker, my personal favorite... David Spade and Christina Applegate can't help but laugh!
Categories Chris Farley, Funny, Hilarious, SNL, Video
Top Three Comedians
3. Jerry Seinfeld, this clip is from a fairly early appearance on the Tonight Show with David Letterman when the show was really gaining popularity... enjoy!
2. Conan O'Brien, very interesting look into the mind that is Conan... lots of background info that I never knew about this late night champion! Kinda odd to see him out of his element though...
1. Chris Farley, of course he is a legend and my favorite comedian of all time... watch this very early interview with Jay. He certainly will be missed!
Honorable mentions goes to Jim Carrey and Will Ferrell... funny, but not top three!
They are all comedic geniuses, which one if your favorite?
If you want more Jerry check out this SNL skit, for more Conan watch this and for more Chris Farley check out this classic!

Categories Chris Farley, Conan O'Brien, Jerry Seinfeld, Videos
Will Ferrell The Lawyer
Will Ferrell the dog lawyer in this skit... would you want someone doing this!
Some of you may have seen this Will Ferrell blooper real before, but I just can't resist...
And finally one of the funniest moments from Mr. Ferrell! Will as George W. Bush...
If you still need more Willy check out what is love or the world's funniest pranks!

Categories Dogs, Funny, George W. Bush, SNL, Video, Will Ferrell
The Best Of Fire Marshall Bill
Jim Carrey as Fire Marshall Bill playing Santa Claus I know it sounds confusing, but I am sure some of you may remember this skit!
This time he torments a restaurant, could he be the best In Living Color character ever... I think so!
And finally, Fire Marshall Bill invades the international space station who knew we were that close to the cure for cancer... hilarious!
If you still didn't get your fix check out this post for more of the Fire Marshall or find out how much a window washer really makes!
Categories Fire marshall Bill, Funny, In Living Color, Jim Carey, Video
How Much Does A Window Washer Really Make... Hilarious
Funny little skit about the crazy people that come up and try to wash your windshield while you are at a light...
Four of the funniest commercial from around the world... Amazing what they can get away with!
And finally some homemade videos of kids being kids... The second clip is my favorite what a reaction!
If you are still looking for more your can check out the best of Stephen Colbert or these hilarious reactions!
The Best Of Stephen Colbert
One of the funniest Colbert Report interviews... Eleanor Holmes Norton gets just a bit defensive in this one!
In this next clip Stephen Colbert celebrates Earth Day, who knew he was such an environmentalist! Let the interplanetary trash talking begin...
Stephen Colbert on the late show with David Letterman, before The Report even aired... very funny interview!
For more watch these hilarious whose line clips or Meet The Press for Idiots!

Categories Daily Show, Hilarious, Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, Video, Weed
The Funniest Whose Line Is It Anyways Moments
For starters here is a clip of Ryan and Colin playing Tarzan and Jane with studio audience members providing the sound effects, hilarious!
From the best of Whose Line Is It Anyways here is a little "uncensored" bits from the show...
And last but not least Richard Simmons guest stars on Whose Line Is It Anyway? This has to be one of the funniest videos I have ever seen...
If you are still looking for more you can check out these classic SNL skits or the best of the Price Is Right!
Categories Funny, Hilarious, Richard Simmons, Skits, Video, Whose Line Is It Anyways